Pool Maintenance

Pool maintenance is easy if you know what you’re doing. The first step in pool maintenance is understanding the key objectives of pool maintenance:

  1. Maintain recommended pool water levels at all times. Levels should be in accordance with pool builder or poll maintenance professional’s advice.

  2. Ensure all pumping and filtration equipment is maintained in good order and functions in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and operating instructions. The filter system is an important consideration of maintenance and should be washed and rinsed at regular intervals using ‘backwash’ mode as instructed by the system manufacturer.

  3. If ‘salt-chlorinator cells’ are used – check regularly to ensure proper operation in accordance with the recommendations of the system manufacturer.

  4. Regular removal of debris from the ‘skimmer box’ is important and so is regular removal of leaves or other foreign matter within the pool itself to minimise ‘organic loading’ of the pool water and undue influence of staining agents that can impact upon the aesthetic appearance of the pool interior.

  5. Ensure automatic pool cleaning appliances are functioning to manufacturer standards and to check that duty cycles are lining up with expectations laid out by manufacturer.

  6. Broom and vacuum the pool interior at least at two-week intervals in accordance with the recommended operation of the appliance manufacturer to preclude ‘build-up’ of organic matter upon the pool interior surface and bacterial growth that can affect pool water hygiene, swimmer safety and the aesthetic appearance of the pool interior.

  7. Pool chemistry levels for residential pools are subject to frequency of use and climate conditions and need to be checked and adjusted at least weekly to preserve water hygiene and swimmer comfort.

  8. Prevent the build-up of white calcium and other mineral deposits by treating pool with ‘Beautec®’, or similar product, every six months.

If you satisfy all of these objectives and can tick off every item on the list you’ll be able to enjoy a pristine pool all year round.

Commercial Pool Maintenance

The maintenance of water quality and hygiene is vital for pools in commercial spaces, such as resort pools, hotel pools and theme park water recreation facilities. Water quality needs to be checked daily and for frequent-use pools, checks should be made at two-hour intervals. Your pool is key to your income-generating activities, proper maintenance will keep your pool in service and ensure your profit isn’t affected by your pool being out of service.

Maintaining Your Pool Equipment

Your pool equipment, such as your pumps, filters and cleaners need to be maintained to ensure they last as long as possible and perform to their optimum. A failure to maintain your equipment is a failure to maintain your pool so make sure you consult manufacturer maintenance directions.

Failure to maintain your equipment in accordance with manufacturer instructions can also lead to a void in warranties, so if you’re lazy with your maintenance you’re only doing yourself a disservice.

Don’t forget to contact Designerite for any and all of your pool maintenance questions.